Collective Agreement Bishop`s University

Collective agreements are an essential part of the labor relations process, ensuring that both employers and employees have clear guidelines for their working relationship. Bishop`s University, located in Sherbrooke, Quebec, is no exception to this process.

A collective agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for a group of employees, typically in a unionized workplace. Bishop`s University has several different unions representing its employees, including the Bishop`s University Faculty Association (BUFA), the Bishop`s University Support Staff Union (BUSSU), and the Bishop`s University Student Union (BUSU).

BUFA represents the academic staff at Bishop`s University, including professors and librarians. The collective agreement between BUFA and Bishop`s University covers issues such as salaries, benefits, workload, and job security. The most recent agreement, which was ratified in December 2018, is set to expire on June 30, 2022.

BUSSU represents the administrative and support staff at Bishop`s University, including clerks, technicians, and maintenance personnel. The collective agreement between BUSSU and Bishop`s University covers many of the same issues as the BUFA agreement, including salaries, benefits, and workload. The most recent agreement, which was ratified in 2019, is set to expire on December 31, 2023.

BUSU represents the student body at Bishop`s University and is responsible for advocating for their interests and providing various services. While BUSU does not have a collective agreement with Bishop`s University, they do work closely with the administration to provide services such as health and dental insurance and access to exam banks.

Collective agreements are essential in ensuring that employers and employees have clear guidelines for their working relationship. They provide a framework for negotiations, giving both parties a starting point for discussions. At Bishop`s University, the various unions and the administration work together to create agreements that are fair and equitable for all parties involved.
